Almeida, SofiaSerralha, F. N.Coelho, Cláudia2024-02-192024-02-192022Almeida, S., Serralha, F. N., & Coelho, C.(2022). Hydrocarbon bioremediation studies in portuguese soil samples. In N. Kalogerakis & F. Fava, 8th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VIII): e-Book of Abstracts, pp. 39-40978-618-5558-01-7 studies were carried out, referring to the verification of the existence and characterization of hydrocarbonoclastic organisms in soil samples obtained in two different areas, one located on the outskirts of the city (Praia da Alburrica), where various anthropocentric activities contribute to the increase in fuel pollutants and the other in a protected wood area, 7 km from the same city, where only leisure activities and environmental education take place (Mata da Machada). Hydrocarbon’s biodegradability studies, colonies morphologically and biochemically characterization of the microorganisms were performed. The values of the bioremediation rate of hexane, toluene and gasoline showed higher bioremediation rates when using consortium cultures which highlight functional potential of the soil microbial community.engBioremediatonBiodegradabilityHydrocarbonolasticHydrocarbon bioremediation studies in portuguese soil samplesbook part