Bernardino, Jorge Fernandes RodriguesDuarte, André Filipe Gomes2016-11-152016-11-152015 most people live in urban areas. As populations grow, demand on the city ecosystem increases, directly affecting the entities responsible for the city control. Challenges like this make leaders adopt ways to engage with the surroundings of their city, making them more prepared and aware. The decisions they make not only directly affect the city in short term, but are also a means to improve the decision making process. This work aimed to develop a system which can act as an emergency and security supervisor in a city, generating alerts to empower entities responsible for disaster management. The system is capable of monitoring data from sensors and provide useful knowledge from it. This work presents an architecture for the collection of data in the Internet of Things (IoT). It delivers the analysis of the used tools and the choices made regarding the implemented system. Also, it provides the necessary inputs for developers to participate in the project, since it describes all the techniques, languages, strategies and programming paradigms used. Finally, it describes the prototype that receives data and processes it to generate alerts with the purpose of warning emergency response teams and the future implementation of a prediction module that can act as a useful tool to better manage the emergency personnel. The completion of the internship allowed the learning of new concepts and techniques, as well as the development of those that were already familiar. With regard to the company, the developed system will integrate the company’s Citibrain platform and will act as a central point, in which, every application (e.g. water management, waste management) can be subscribed to receive alerts.engDisaster ManagementEmergency SystemsSmart CitiesUrban SafetyMachine-to-machine emergency system for urban safetymaster thesis201336952