Carvão, JoanaFaria, Maria GoreteMagno Pereira, VitorSousa Andrade, CarlaFernandes, NicodemosNóbrega, José JúlioJasmins, Luís2020-12-072020-12-072018-08ACG Case Rep J 2018;5:e57. doi:10.14309/crj.2018.57. and gastroduodenal necrosis are rare conditions with poor prognosis. We describe a case that was diagnosed with upper endoscopy in the setting of severe septic shock. To our knowledge, this is the first case in which esophageal and gastroduodenal necrosis occurred simultaneously in this setting. We discuss the pathophysiology, diagnostic approach, and treatment options of this rare entity.engEsophageal and gastroduodenal necrosissevere shock septicendoscopyMadeira IslandPortugalEsophageal and Gastroduodenal Hemorrhagic Necrosis: A Unique Finding in the Setting of Septic Shock and Vasopressor Usejournal article10.14309/crj.2018.57