Tello Rodrigues, InêsCanário, NádiaCastro-Caldas, Alexandre2022-04-052022-04-052018-09 Knowledge of the process by which visual information is integrated into the brain reading system promotes a better understanding of writing and reading models. Objective This study aimed to use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to explore whether the Blood-oxygen-level dependent (BOLD) contrast imaging patterns, of putative cortical region of the Visual Word Form Area (VWFA), are distinct in aphasia patients with moder- ate and severe alexia. Methods Twelve chronic stroke patients (5 patients with severe alexia and 7 pa- tients with moderate alexia) were included. A word categorization task was used to examine responses in the VWFA and its right homolog re- gion. Patients performed a semantic decision task in which words were contrasted with non-verbal fonts to assess the lateralization of reading ability in the ventral occipitotemporal region. Results A fixed effects (FFX) general linear model (GLM) multi-study from the contrast of patients with moderate alexia and those with severe alexia (FDR, p = 0.05, corrected for multiples comparisons using a Threshold Estimator plugin (1000 Monte Carlo simulations), was per- formed. Activation of the left VWFA was robust in patients with mod- erate alexia. Aphasia patients with severe reading deficits also activated the right homolog VWFA. Conclusions This bilateral activation pattern only in patients with severe alexia could be interpreted as a result of reduced recruitment of the left VWFA for reading tasks due to the severe reading deficit. This study provides some new insights about reading pathways and possible neuroplasti- city mechanisms in aphasia patients with alexia. Additional reports could explore the predictive value of right VWFA activation for reading recovery and aid language therapy in patients with aphasia.engStrokeAlexiaAphasiaLateralization of the visual word form area in patients with alexia after strokeconference object