Mesquita, TeresaMoleiro, FilipaAraujo, A. L.Soares, C. M.MotaSoares, C. A. Mota2024-10-222024-10-222015 work provides an assessment of a finite element model based on layerwise mixed formulation using least squares applied to plate sandwich structures with skins made of piezoelectric layers and the core with composite angle play laminate layers. The extension to free vibration analysis is developed. The model assumes a layerwise variable description of displacements, transverse stresses and in-plane strains, taken as independent variables. The layerwise mixed formulation enables the fulfilment of the so-called C0z, yielding, for free vibration analysis a symmetric quadratic eigenvalue problem. The present model has nine degrees of freedom(dof ) per node in the core and in the upper and lower piezoelectric skins thirteen (nine to mechanical and four electrical) per node. The numerical examples show that the model predictive capabilities are in excellent agreement with three-dimensional exact solutions and also with available alternative models, from very thick to very thin sandwich piezoelectric plates.engLayerwise mixed formulationLeast squares modelSandwich structuresPiezoelectric composite platesQuadratic eigenvalue problemsLayerwise mixed least-squares finite element models for free vibration analysis of multilayered piezoelectric composite platesjournal article