Domingos, JosefaGodinho, CatarinaDean, JohnŚmiłowska, KatarzynaMelo, Filipe2022-04-062022-04-062019Josefa Domingos, Catarina Godinho, John Dean, Katarzyna Śmiłowska & Filipe Melo (2019) Acceptability of a novel trampoline intervention in rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease. Perceived barriers and facilitators. Journal of Parkinson’s Disease, 9(supplement 1):136. Book of the 5th World Parkinson Congress, Kyoto, Japan, June 4–7, 2019’. 1 Jan. 2019 : 1 – 278. DOI: 10.3233/JPD-1999001877-71711877-718X Abstract book of the 5th World Parkinson Congress, Kyoto, Japan, June 4–7, 2019.engTrampolineRehabilitationParkinson’s diseaseAcceptability of a novel trampoline intervention in rehabilitation for Parkinson’s disease. Perceived barriers and facilitatorsother10.3233/JPD-199900