Pazes, Maria Catarina EstevensNunes, LucíliaBarbosa, António2016-06-072016-06-072014Pazes, M., Nunes, L. & Barbosa, A. (2014). Factors influencing the experience of the terminal phase and the grieving process: the primary caregiver’s perspective. Revista de Enfermagem Referência, 4 (3), 95-104. framework: The experience of the terminal phase and death by patients and caregivers is influenced by multiple factors. This study aimed at understanding this experience from the primary caregiver’s perspective. Objectives: To describe the factors that, from the primary caregiver’s perspective, influenced the experience of disease in the terminal phase and mourning for the death of a close person; To understand the influence of nurses’ conduct on the experience of disease in the terminal phase and mourning for the death of a close person from the primary caregiver’s perspective. Methodology: Qualitative descriptive exploratory study. Results: The following factors were valued: To Assume the Caregiver’s Role, To allow for the end-of-life/terminal phase to take place at home/near the family and Process of Care. Regarding the nurses’ conduct, the knowledge, communication and relationship established by nurses were also valued. Conclusion: In addition to expanding the implementation of specific palliative care teams, the acquisition and development of basic skills in this area by most health care professionals is essential.engterminally illgriefcaregiversnurse’s roleFactors influencing the experience of the terminal phase and the grieving process: the primary caregiver’s perspectivejournal article