Castro Coelho, FilipaMacedo, FranciscoFreitas, Cláudia2019-07-162019-07-162016-02-10Acta Obstet Ginecol Port 2016;10(2):110-118 bleeding is a major current problem in women's health. The management of bleeding pattern changes in women using hormonal contraception is challenging.Recommendations for the best practices are provided where evidence exists.This paper provides an updated review regarding the approach of unscheduled bleeding in women who use hormonal contraception.engUterine hemorrhageMetrorrhagiaTreatment outcomesTreatment outcomescontraceptive devices;PortugalHormonal contraception and bleeding pattern changes: where do we stand?Contracepção hormonal e alterações do padrão menstrual: em que ponto estamos?journal article