Abreu, António2014-07-222014-07-222014-05-14http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/6593Hidden Markov Models (HMM) are applied to interoceptive data (in this case the sense of rotation by way of a gyroscope) acquired by a moving wheeled robot when contouring an indoor environment. We demonstrate the soundness of HMM to solve the problem of robot localization in a topological model of the environment, particularly the kidnapped robot problem and position tracking. In this approach, the environment topology is described by the sequence of movements a robot executes when contouring the environment. Movements are described in a fuzzy domain using distance traveled and curvature as features.engRobot localizationMarkov ModelsRobot localization from minimalist inertial data using a Hidden Markov Modelconference object