ATLAS collaboration (2907 authors)Aguilar-Saavedra, Juan AntonioAmor Dos Santos, Susana PatriciaAraque, Juan PedroCastro, Nuno FilipeConde Muiño, PatriciaDa Cunha Sargedas De Sousa, Mario JoseDias do Vale, TiagoFaisca Rodrigues Pereira, Rui MiguelFiolhais, MiguelGalhardo, BrunoGomes, AgostinhoGonçalo, RicardoJorge, PedroMachado Miguens, JoanaMaio, AméliaManeira, JoséOleiro Seabra, Luis FilipeOnofre, AntónioPedro, RutePereira Peixoto, Ana PaulaSantos, HelenaSaraiva, JoãoSilva, JoséTavares Delgado, AdemarVeloso, FilipeWolters, Helmut2019-02-052019-02-052018-09-21 measurement of $J/\psi$ and $\psi(2\mathrm{S})$ production is presented. It is based on a data sample from Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV and $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC in 2015, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $0.42\mathrm{nb}^{-1}$ and $25\mathrm{pb}^{-1}$ in Pb+Pb and $pp$, respectively. The measurements of per-event yields, nuclear modification factors, and non-prompt fractions are performed in the dimuon decay channel for $9 < p_{T}^{\mu\mu} < 40$ GeV in dimuon transverse momentum, and $-2.0 < y_{\mu\mu} < 2.0$ in rapidity. Strong suppression is found in Pb+Pb collisions for both prompt and non-prompt $J/\psi$, as well as for prompt and non-prompt $\psi(2\mathrm{S})$, increasing with event centrality. The suppression of prompt $\psi(2\mathrm{S})$ is observed to be stronger than that of $J/\psi$, while the suppression of non-prompt $\psi(2\mathrm{S})$ is equal to that of the non-prompt $J/\psi$ within uncertainties, consistent with the expectation that both arise from \textit{b}-quarks propagating through the medium. Despite prompt and non-prompt $J/\psi$ arising from different mechanisms, the dependence of their nuclear modification factors on centrality is found to be quite similar.engPrompt and non-prompt $J/\psi $ and $\psi (2\mathrm {S})$ suppression at high transverse momentum in $5.02~\mathrm {TeV}$ Pb+Pb collisions with the ATLAS experimentjournal article2019-02-05