DGS, Direção de Serviços de Informação e AnáliseARS Norte, Departamento de Saúde PúblicaIHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation2018-04-202018-04-202018-04-04978-0-9976462-3-8http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/22502This report explores the progress Portugal has experienced over the last 26 years, in terms of health, well-being, and development, and the new challenges it faces as its population grows and ages. This report provides information about the diseases and injuries that prevent Portuguese from living long and healthy lives. It also sheds light on risk factors that contribute to poor health. Finally, the report presents a country view with regard to the Sustainable Development Goals in 1990 and prospectively in 2030, and compares Portugal’s health performance to that of peer countries.engWell-being and developmentHealthy livesRisk factors that contribute to poor healthPortugal: The Nation’s Health 1990–2016An overview of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016 Resultsreport