Berenguer, PedroMuller, SaraFraga, CláudiaSerrão, PatríciaTeixeira, RubinaCamacho, JoséCamacho, Carolina2021-11-102021-11-102021-10Berenguer,Pedro et al.Cancer among elderly:A 10-year caracterization of cases from the Madeira Archipelago (PORTUGAL) Cancer Registry. Funchal, 2021 evolution of science and improvement of medicine led to the extension of life expectancy resulting in a higher number of elder people among population.Consequently, life expectancy also increases diseases, such as cancer, one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.In Portugal, cancer is the second leading cause of mortality, accounting for about 1/4 of deaths. With this work, it is intended to characterize cancer among elderly population, from Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM), Portugal. The 3 most frequent cancer from each gender were addressed. etc.engRORAM-Registo Oncológico da Região Autónoma da MadeiraCancer in the elderlyMadeira IslandRegião Autónoma da MadeiraAutonomous Region of MadeiraICD-10Cancer incidenceCancer morbidityCancer mortalityRONP- CANCER AMONG ELDERLY:A 10-YEAR CHARACTERIZATION OF CASES FROM THE MADEIRA ARCHIPELAGO (PORTUGAL) CANCER REGISTRY.working paper