Salselas, AnaPestana, InêsBischoff, FranciscoGuimarães, MarianaAndrade, Joaquim Aguiar2019-02-252019-02-252015 women with thromboembolic diseases, previous thrombotic episodes or thrombophilia family history were supervised in a multidisciplinary Obstetrics/ Hematology consultation in Centro Hospitalar São João EPE, Porto, Portugal. For the evaluation and medication of these women, a risk stratification scale was used.porAdultClinical ProtocolsFemaleHematologyHospitalsHumansIsraelObstetricsPortugalPregnancyPregnancy Complications, HematologicThrombophiliaRisk Assessment[Comparing the Application of Hema-Obs RSS to 250 Pregnancies from Obstetrics/Hematology Consultation in Centro Hospitalar São João, Portugal with the Application of Galit Sarig RSS to 90 Pregnancies from Rambam Health Care Campus, Israel]Comparação da Aplicação da EER Hema-Obs a 250 Gestações da Consulta de Hematologia-Obstetrícia do Centro Hospitalar São João, Portugal Versus EER Galit Sarig a 90 Gestações no Rambam Health Care Campus, Israeljournal article